Christmas Tree in Vintage Truck
1. Use largest brush with white with a tiny bit of black to make a light gray. Using up and down strokes cover the top 2/3 of the canvas. Then using side to side strokes and a slightly darker gray to fill the bottom 1/3.
2. Use medium brush to create the shadows of the trees in the back ground.
3. Use the medium brush with red and a tiny bit of black to create the dark red to fill in a rounded rectangle of the truck bed and a brush with of a rounded rectangle of the cab.
4. Use the medium with the sage green and white to create the trees in the background. Then use medium brush and the darker green mixed with a tiny bit of black to create the tree in the back of the truck.
5. Add the details of the bumper, tires and snow. Medium brush is recommend.
6. Use smallest brush and white to add falling snow.
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