Snowy Gnomes
1. Use the largest brush and blue and a little black and paint the bottem two inches of “ground”.
2. Do Not Rinse your brush, but add white to the brush and lightly outline where your gnomes will be. Then use what is left on your brush and work your way upward adding lighter blue towards the bottom and only picking up more white when needed so that you create a background from a light blue to a very light blue/white.
3. Use Medium brush to fill in the hats. Add a tiny bit of black to the red to create a dark red. Add a little bit of white to black to create a charcoal black. Then use same brush to add black shoes. Rinse. Use white and brown to create face. Rinse. Use white and black to create beards. Let dry some or use a hair dryer. Then add the noses and mittens.
4. Use small brush to add details to hats, eyes, small present, and snow.
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